
You know what

Birds from the sky do not sow or reap but the Lord Himself takes care of them and give what they need

Birds from the sky fly with freedom and gladly singing as they sat on the branches of tree.

This made me remember what the scripture says and when the Lord Jesus Himself speaks that we should not worry about anything in this life not even the basics like food or clothing even the rest because it is not more important than life and He is with us to provide like the birds in the sky who dont need to work for food because the Lord provides. Like the lilies who are beautifully clothed in the field the Lord Jesus will provide.

Life in this world indeed offers a lot of trouble that makes us anxious and fear but the Lord said we should not fear and worried and not to think about it all because we have all things that we need and since the Lord is our God we are not lacking of anything only abundance and grace from Him.

Like birds who have freedoms we too have freedom and more so we could sing and dance with joy and love in hearts because of the Lord Jesus who has given us freedoms.

The Lord understands our hearts and knows our needs. He is the One who created us. He is always in control and in charge. And He promised us that He will be with us until the end that’s more than enough His presence is more than enough. He has overcome the world. We will become conquerors too because we served a mighty sovereign living God. All the glory praises and honor be lifted up to Him alone now and forever.



Afflicted and oppressed but not destroyed

The promise of salvation from the Lord is always fresh and new every single day.

Jesus our God will meet us with all our needs.

He doesn’t look at us with our sins nor in our weaknesses.

He look at us clean and loved. He called us for victory. We are more than conquerors through Him.

Faith tested. Body became weak. Blurry vision. Mind confused. Doubts creeped in. Fear overwhelms. But the Words of God stand “He is working it all for our good”

His ways are higher than our ways. His thoughts are higher than ours so we could trust Him through it all.

Remember His words of love and life that “nothing could ever separate us away from Him” Everything we are going through is just drawing us near Him.

We walked away in His presence and we found emptiness. Let’s come back to Him and Let Jesus transform us like never before.

We are His. We belong to Him. We are special to His sight. We are precious for Him. Remember His words “no one will perish because you are mine.” “No one can snatch you away from my hand you are mine”

We have walked far and live our life according to our ways but the Lord said “no charged, I love you”

We have sinned against Him all the time but the Lord said “no charged, I love you”

We have doubted a lot of times, been confused but the Lord said”no charged, I love you”

Look at me and the cross.. “It is finished child. You are mine.”

Sin has no power over us, satan has no power over us, death has no grip on us. We are saved by Jesus on the cross, His blood removes our sins and made us clean in His sight we are justified, when He died on the cross every power that made us slave is also dead. We areonce and for all delivered. When the Lord Jesus was raised on the dead we have now the eternal life that He has promised and nothing could ever take that away from us we are sealed by Him. And since He is alive we are gladly waiting for Him to come and wait for Him. He’ll come back for us just as He promised. We are saved by His grace through faith.

He is working it all for our good. Let’s believe, trust and obey Him while we are here on earth.

Jesus is Lord!

What a mighty sovereign living God we serve! πŸ™πŸ˜πŸ˜‡β€οΈ


Created With a Purpose

In the beginning the gracious Almighty Lord created it all.

How powerful He is that in just a Word of Him everything came into being and life.

How awesome He is that no one can reached His glorious wisdom.

What a mighty glorious Father I serve who made it all into existence with purpose

He was pleased seeing it all and blessed it even more.

He was pleased of you and me and all.

He has made us in His image with authority and power of all His other creations.

He was pleased and blessed us all.

He created it all not just the earth our world but the universe in just His command.

He is so powerful, mighty and strong.

My words are not enough to describe Our glorious majestic Lord God.

He has called us to appreciate of what He has and love, take care of what He loves not just the earth and everything in it but even people.

By His grace we are able He has blessed us and has given it to us and we can do it with Him with one accord.

What a mighty sovereign living God we serve!



Faith is an anchor of belief

That makes a heart full of relief

Show respect with what we believe

You will deserve what you will receive

With a God we serve so mighty and true

By His grace we can be one in truth.


Is It Over?

What a mighty God we serve.. What seems to be a setback for you is definitely a beautiful setup the Lord has planned for a beautiful comeback.. It may seem like nothing is happening.. Uncertainty tried to rule but you stand still and holding on and believe because you know that we serve a mighty God who never fails.. Every prayers.. Every tears.. Every sadness you feel.. In the midst of all this remember that we serve a mighty God.. Who never fails those who put their trust in Him. We are blessed enough for we will witness the glory that He will do.. “For Our Lord God is a sun and shield, the Lord will give grace and glory, no good things will He withhold with them who walk uprightly” -Psalm 84:11 He knows you and He got a plan for you.. Jesus got us. His time, His ways, His will. Be still, obey and be there and wait for His promise to come into reality. Believe and Receive.


Dear Single Ladies

This message is for you… Take time to read and reflect… you’ll be enlightenedβ€πŸŒΈπŸ‚ ‘I’m glad I waited for you’ that’s the special word we would like to hear from the man we love, right? The same words that they would love to hear from us. Waiting is indeed hard but everything will all be worth it. All things that is worth having is worth waiting.. See, with God all things are possible.. He makes all things work together for our good. Let’s trust God on the process. If it makes you wait it means it will be grand.. A kingdom couple.. Divinely orchestrated romance and not human manipulated romance. A relationship where Jesus is the center. A relationship that glorifies the Lord. We want that so lets wait for that ❀😍Pray for it and thanked God for the fulfillment of His promise. Remember. Our God is good, He makes everything perfect. Trust His timing.. When God puts it in to your heart He will make it all happen. Smile, live and praise… Wait with joy.β€πŸŒΈπŸ’―πŸ™ #JesusisLord #divinelyorchestratedromance #godlycouple #reallove #speaklife #faith #hope #joy


With God all things are possible, He is the only one who makes all things possible. Believe ❀
Attack means your breakthrough is coming.
Do not give up, be strong and courageous because the One who is in us is greater and mightier and He already conquered and won everything for us so we are also here called to become conquerors and winners child of Him. Smile, your current situation will passed. You are still here because the source of your life is Our Lord and God Jesus. He will NEVER fail us and NEVER abondon us just as He said in Hebrews 13:5 that is a promise. He will help us overcome our unbelief, He will restore what we lost in the process. He will gives us new heart, new mind and His Spirit as He promised in Ezekiel 36:26. Do not believe everything you think not all you think is right. Dont let suggestions consume you. Be still and see the salvation of the Lord. We will see it He will show up mightily. It is our season of destiny and purpose, our season of breakthrough. Our season of elevation. Increase in faith, hope and joy. He is in control. Jesus is with us always. Never stop praying. Never stop believing. Smile, live and breathe. β€πŸ™πŸŒΈ SHALOM


Man Enough To Answer

A Woman’s Question

Do you know you have asked for the costliest thing.

Ever made by the Hand above?

A woman’s heart, and a woman’s lifeβ€”

And a woman’s wonderful love.

Do you know you have asked for this priceless thing.

As a child might ask for a toy?

Demanding what others have died to win,

With the reckless dash of a boy.

You have written my lesson of duty out,

Manlike, you have questioned me.

Now stand at the bars of my woman’s soul.

Until I shall question thee.

You require your mutton shall always be hot,Your socks and your shirt be whole;

I require your heart be true as God’s stars.

And as pure as His heaven your soul.

You require a cook for your mutton and beef,

I require a far greater thing;

A seamstress you’re wanting for socks and shirtsβ€”

I look for a man and a King.

A King for the beautiful realm called Home,

and a man that his Maker, God,

Shall look upon as he did on the first.

And say:”It is very good.”

I am fair and young, but the rose may fade. From this soft young cheek one day;

Will you love me then ‘mid the falling leaves,

As you did ‘mong the blossoms of May?

Is your heart an ocean so strong and true,

I may launch my all on its tide?

A loving woman finds heaven or hell

On the day she is made a bride.

I require all things that are grand and true,

All things that man should be;

If you give this all, I would stake my life. To be all you demand of me.

If you cannot be this, a laundress and cook You can hire and little to pay;

But a woman’s heart and a woman’s life Are not to be won that way.

Source: Poem by Lena Lathrop


A Message For You

With God all things are possible, He is the only one who makes all things possible. Believe ❀
Attack means your breakthrough is coming.
Do not give up, be strong and courageous because the One who is in us is greater and mightier and He already conquered and won everything for us so we are also here called to become conquerors and winners child of Him. Smile, your current situation will passed. You are still here because the source of your life is Our Lord and God Jesus. He will NEVER fail us and NEVER abondon us just as He said in Hebrews 13:5 that is a promise. He will help us overcome our unbelief, He will restore what we lost in the process. He will gives us new heart, new mind and His Spirit as He promised in Ezekiel 36:26. Do not believe everything you think not all you think is right. Dont let suggestions consume you. Be still and see the salvation of the Lord. We will see it He will show up mightily. It is our season of destiny and purpose, our season of breakthrough. Our season of elevation. Increase in faith, hope and joy. He is in control. Jesus is with us always. Never stop praying. Never stop believing. Smile, live and breathe. β€πŸ™πŸŒΈ SHALOM


Am I Trusting Right?

It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.- Psalm 118:8

Have you experience being hurt because of expecting too much?Are you the one who is a reliable friend giving everything yet when it comes to you there’s no receiving?

Trust.. what is trust? According to Merriam webster it means to believe that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, effective, etc. : to have confidence in (someone or something). Big deal! Trust’s by product is expectation. If you trust someone we really believe them, we have our confidence in them.

Trust is vital in a Christian life. However, not everyone have the same thinking as we are, like what you think of them is not the same thinking they have. They dont think what you think. You want them to be honest cuz you are honest but they are not. Some lack sensitivity others are full of it. But I believe it has a special reason behind. You see God allow things to happen for our own good. He allow us to be with someone who lacks sensitivity for us to learn how to give without expecting anything. To give with a joyful heart not thinking what will you get later but you can expect God for your reward because you will reap what you sow.. He knows what you are doing every detail of it and He knows your heart, He created you love, we are created by Him and for Him. He is in control.

Nothing is permanent in this world everything will end. Whether we like it or not. Everything in this world changes, and we can not remove the fact that the only permanent thing in this world is change itself. That makes all things temporary.

Even your dearest and closest friend can change.. our family can change .. we also change.

“Do not trust in a friend; Do not put your confidence in a companion; – Micah 7:5
I’ve learned the truth of this verse by experience and I believe even you. I’ve expected too much from friends that made me real hurt. It really hurts you know.. It stings, it will break a heart, you seem like betrayed. Everyone has experienced it but I’m glad of the special lesson behind it. Then the Lord speaks in my heart in that season telling me not to trust anyone and to put my confidence in man but I can trust Him, the One who never changes who is always the same forever. Jesus indeed protected me. I released my emotions to Him and He take it all and He has given me His peace that surpasses all understanding. Instead of hating them I started to understand and trust my Lord Jesus even more. I even love them more. The experience is a blessing. Im grateful to God for helping me know the lessons behind. “All glory to God Almighty” Jesus did it.
“It is better to trust in the Lord Than to put confidence in man.”- Psalm 118:8
“As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.” – 2 Samuel 22:31

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